Voices from Brussels

European journalists based in Brussels take you through encounters and interviews to understand what’s brewing in the bloc - a Euranet Plus podcast.

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Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

The massive influx into the EU of people fleeing the war in Ukraine since February 2022 has triggered an unprecedented response of welcome and solidarity in the bloc. But whether this momentum will have a long-term impact on the EU’s migration policy is questionable.
Image: Volunteers help refugees from Ukraine at the railway station in Warsaw, Poland © Olha Solodenko, Shutterstock

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022

La photo de famille des dirigeants de 44 pays européens à Prague le 6 octobre est peut-être le résultat le plus significatif du tout premier rassemblement sous l'égide de la Communauté politique européenne. Cette "plate-forme de coordination politique pour les pays européens de tout le continent", destinée à traiter des questions d'intérêt commun, peut-elle apporter de réels bénéfices ? Léa Marchal était à Prague et nous rapporte en ces nouvelles.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

The family photo of the leaders of 44 European countries in Prague on 6 October is perhaps the most significant outcome of the first ever gathering under the aegis of the European Political Community. Can this 'political coordination platform for European countries across the continent', designed to address issues of common concern bring real benefits? Léa Marchal was in Prague - and has the story.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022

La Commission européenne a proposé une loi pour supprimer du marché européen les importations issues du travail forcé. Quel en sera vraiment l'impact? La journaliste Léa Marchal enquête - à Strasbourg cette fois - dans cet épisode en français de notre série "Voices from Brussels", produite par Euranet Plus.
Photo © Shutterstock (Femmes ouïgoures dans une usine de vêtements de la province du Xinjiang)

Friday Sep 16, 2022

In a delicate balancing act, Brussels is proposing a law to rid the European market of all forced labour products.
Photo: Uyghur women in clothes factory in Xinjiang province © Azamat Imanaliev on Shutterstock

Friday Jul 22, 2022

After a difficult birth, new EU legislation is finally coming to life that will require companies to have at least 40 per cent women on their boards - in this new 'Voices from Europe' episode by Júlia Manresa Nogueras.
© Photo by Rawpixel on Shutterstock.com

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

NATO allies and EU member states have supported Ukraine's war effort and sent weapons. Whether this support will be enough for Ukraine - and whether the West could do better - remains an open question. In this new episode of our 'Voices from Brussels' podcast, Léa Marchal reports... from Madrid.
Picture by Thomas Ragina on Shutterstock 

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

EU institutions have recently passed two tech regulation that will mark a shift in the way we use the internet. Follow Júlia in the European capital, as she tries to grasp the concrete benefits of the DMA and DSA rules.
A new Voices from Brussels podcast by Euranet Plus.
© Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Friday May 13, 2022

Recent applications for European Union membership, including the popular Ukrainian one, call for an overhaul of EU's sclerotic enlargement policy. Léa, a French journalist who reports on European affairs from Brussels, asks politicians and observers in the EU capital where they this EU enlargement is headed.

Friday Mar 18, 2022

This year should be the year of the revision of the 30 year old European tax rules. What is at stake? What ideas are on the table? What are the positions around the table? Spanish business journalist Júlia Manresa guides you through the complexities of European reform.

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